Golf Fit Club
Golf Fit Club

Launch Video:

Bildschirmfoto 2023 01 17 um 20.42.35 modified Golf Mobility Plus

Abstract ↓

Information about our workout for hobby golfers

Live golf fitness via Zoom

Get fit for golf! 💪

Play pain-free, stop hitting bad iron shots, gain more distance

2x a week at-home fitness training (every Tuesday & Thursday live):

Reduce: stiffness, incidence of injury, joint discomfort. Improve: range of motion, training capacity, athletic performance.

  • Golf mobility (live)
  • Golf balance (live)
  • Golf full body strengthening (live)
  • Golf yoga (live)
  • Community support
  • Bonus – golf theory sessions (preparation for the coming season)

Event recordings: All live events are recorded so you don’t need to worry about missing them.

What members are saying:

Investment: $29 a month (7 days free trial included, recurring payment, no contracts, cancel any time)

How to get started: If you’re a hobby golfer and you’re interested in a golf fitness mastermind to relieve lower back pain, prevent golf injuries and maximize results and your happiness on course – 

fill in the following form to reserve a sport.

Any questions? Send an email to

IMPORTANT: You should Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning this, or any, exercise or fitness training program or nutrition plan, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have any current or past medical condition, or are taking any medication. Information presented on our website is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition, or substitute for the advice of a healthcare professional, nutritionist, or other licensed professionals.

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